Топ 5 стохастичких стратегија трговања за Olymp Trade.

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What is Stochastic?

Did you just begin your journey in trading, tried to flip open that trading platform, found the stochastic indicator, and are wondering what sort of thing Stochastic is?

Stochastic is an oscillator or other, chart analysis tool that traders use to measure price momentum and spot potential price reversal points.

Components of Stochastic.

The stochastic oscillator settings consist of four lines:

  • Fast line.
  • Slow line.
  • Горња граница (80).
  • Lower limit (20).

Брза и спора линија осцилирају на стохастичкој скали која се креће од 0 до 100, понекад прелазећи једна преко друге.

Basic Signals Provided by Stochastic.

Considering that the stochastic oscillator is majorly used by traders as a measure of price momentum and direction of momentum; you can set yours to show waxing price momentum upwards or downwards as well as show waning price momentum in either direction.

Waxing momentum means that momentum is increasing while waning momentum means decreasing momentum.

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Basically, stochastic shows waxing price momentum upwards when the fast line crosses over from below to above the slow line.

On the other hand, the oscillator shows waxing price momentum downwards when the fast line crosses over from above to below the slow line.

The stochastic oscillator shows waning price momentum by means of overbought and oversold conditions because it is a bound oscillator.

If the price had an increase in upward momentum but now both stochastic lines read above the upper limit of 80, then such is an overbought condition.

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стохастички показује пораст узлазног замаха

Waning price momentum meaning a possible downward reversal will be confirmed when the fast line crosses over from above to below the slow line while still above the upper limit.

On the flip side, if the price had an increase in downward momentum but now both stochastic lines read below the lower limit of 20, then such is an oversold condition.

Waning price momentum meaning a possible upward reversal will be confirmed when the fast line crosses over from below to above the slow line while still below the lower limit.

Such is how the stochastic can be used to generate basic signals based on the direction of price momentum and the possible direction of the reversal. 

Stochastic shows oversold condition

Stochastic Trading Strategies.

The Stochastic oscillator can be used together with other technical tools to formulate highly profitable trading strategies in Olymp Trade.

Olymp Trade provides almost every other tool you need to perfectly blend with stochastic for the best outcome.

Stochastic is a major technical oscillator and that is why it is core to the trading journey of almost every trader.

For that reason, we’ve compiled the top 5 stochastic trading strategies which you can apply in your Olymp Trade trading to make more profits.

Without any further ado, here’s my list of the best stochastic strategies ever formulated. 

  • Stochastic Divergence Trading Strategy.
  • Stochastic-MACD Trading Strategy.
  • Stochastic-RSI-EMA Trading Strategy.
  • Stochastic-Price Action Trading Strategy.
  • Стратегија трговања стохастичким каналима.
  1. Stochastic Divergence Trading Strategy.

Stochastic divergence occurs when the stochastic oscillator does not directly reflect what is happening on the price.

Meaning, that divergence happens when the price is making lower lows while the stochastic oscillator is making higher lows.

Similarly, where the price is making higher highs, the stochastic oscillator is making lower highs.

Традинг тхе Stochastic Divergence Trading.

Step 1 – Get Trading Signal for The Stochastic Trading Strategies.

Први корак укључује тражење трговинског сигнала.

There are two types of stochastic divergences i.e bullish and bearish.

  • Bullish stochastic divergence – in a bullish stochastic divergence, prices make lower lows as the stochastic oscillator makes higher lows. Meaning that the price is in a downtrend but the fact that the stochastic oscillator is making higher lows means that the downward momentum is slowing and chances are that an upward trend reversal is coming up.

Bullish stochastic divergence

  • Bearish stochastic divergence – in a bearish stochastic divergence, prices make higher highs as the stochastic oscillator makes lower highs.

Значење, that the price is in an uptrend but the fact that the stochastic oscillator is making lower highs means that the upward momentum is slowing and chances are that a downward trend reversal is looming.

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  • $ 10 минимални депозит
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Bearish stochastic divergence

Step 2 – Confirm Entry for this Stochastic Trading Strategies.

A stochastic divergence only means a slowing of price momentum either upwards or downwards.

Као такав, можда се не мора превести у преокрет тренда.

That is why you need to confirm the bullish or bearish divergence signal you get from step 1. Here is how to confirm:

  • Bullish divergence signal confirmation – the price is making lower lows as the stochastic oscillator makes higher lows.

Нацртајте линију тренда која спаја најниже цене које морају бити нагнуте надоле.

Утврдите одговарајуће максимуме одељка на којем сте нацртали линију тренда која спаја најниже вредности и нацртајте другу линију тренда која се придружује тим највишим тачкама, које такође морају бити нагнуте надоле.

Да би потврдили да ће бикова дивергенција проузроковати преокрет према горе, цена мора да пробије линију тренда спајајући максимуме према горе.

stochastic oscillator makes higher lows.

  • Медвеђа потврда сигнала – the price is making higher highs as the stochastic oscillator makes lower highs.

Нацртајте линију тренда која ће се придружити највишим ценама које морају бити нагнуте према горе.

Утврдите одговарајуће најниже вредности одељка на којем сте нацртали линију тренда која се спаја са највишим тачкама и нацртајте другу линију тренда која спаја те најниже вредности, које такође морају бити нагнуте према горе.

Да би потврдио да ће медвјеђа дивергенција проузроковати преокрет према доље, цијена мора пробити линију тренда спајајући најниже вриједности.

Bearish signal confirmation on stochastic

Корак 3 - Улазак.

Enter a buy position following a confirmed bullish stochastic divergence signal.

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  • $ 10 минимални депозит
  • 10 $ минимално повлачење

On the flip side, enter a sell position following a confirmed bearish stochastic divergence signal.

Корак 4 - Излаз.

Hold a buy position until the stochastic oscillator dips below a reading of 50 from above.

Also, hold a sell position until the stochastic oscillator rises above a reading of 50 from below.

  1. Stochastic-MACD Trading Strategy.

You already know what a stochastic oscillator is, right?

It is all we are talking about here and much about it is in the introduction.

But what about this MACD which is now part of this second strategy?

MACD stands for Просечна дивергенција конвергенције.

Thing is, the stochastic-MACD trading strategy is a trading technique blending two technical oscillators which are the stochastic oscillator and MACD. Back to MACD now.

Дивергенција конвергенције покретног просека (МАЦД).

МАЦД је алат за трговање који tradeрс користе за идентификовање смера и снаге тржишног тренда.

МАЦД се састоји од нулте линије, брзог просека, споро покретног просека и хистограма или криве.

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  • $ 10 минимални депозит
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Обично, када тржиште креће према горе, МАЦД покретни просеци и хистограм или крива померају се одоздо на изнад нулте линије.

Просек који се брзо креће такође може прећи одоздо на изнад спорог.

Међутим, када тржиште почне да опада, МАЦД покретни просеци и хистограм или крива се померају одозго према испод нулте линије.

Просек који се брзо креће такође може да пређе одозго до испод спорог.

Стохастичка-МАЦД стратегија.

Now that you know what stochastic is and what MACD is, the next thing is knowing how to blend them into a strategy.

It is all we are going to do in this section.

In this strategy, MACD is the primary tool. It is the technical tool used to generate signals which are then confirmed using the stochastic oscillator.

Step 1 – Get signals Signal With this Stochastic Trading Strategy

Основни МАЦД биковски сигнал ће бити приказан или:

  • Брзи МАЦД покретни просек прелази одоздо ка изнад спорог МАЦД покретног просека.
  • The MACD Histogram/curve or both MACD Moving Averages shift from below to above the zero line.

Основни МАЦД медвјеђи сигнал ће бити приказан или:

  • Брзи МАЦД покретни просек прелази одозго на испод спорог МАЦД покретног просека.
  • МАЦД хистограм/крива или оба МАЦД покретна просека се померају одозго ка испод нулте линије.

Стохастичка-МАЦД стратегија.

Step 2 – Confirm signals from this stochastic strategy.

This step involves using the stochastic oscillator to confirm the signal obtained in step 1.

Here is how you confirm the respective signals:

  • Bullish MACD signal confirmation – the stochastic fast line must have crossed the oversold level (20) downwards then crossed the same level from below upwards.

It is even a stronger bullish signal if the fast stochastic line crosses over from below to above the slow line at the oversold level.

Bullish MACD signal confirmation

  • Bearish MACD signal confirmation – the stochastic fast line must have crossed the overbought level (80) upwards then crossed the same level from above downwards.

It is even a stronger bearish signal if the fast stochastic line crosses over from above to below the slow line at the overbought level.

Корак 3 - Улазак.

Унесите позицију за куповину након потврђеног биковског сигнала и позицију за продају након потврђеног медвјеђег сигнала.

Корак 4 - Излаз.

Hold a buy position until the stochastic oscillator dips below a reading of 50 from above.

Also, hold a sell position until the stochastic oscillator rises above a reading of 50 from below.

  1. Stochastic-RSI-EMA Trading Strategy.

This strategy combines the stochastic oscillator with the RSI and the ЕМА.

But what really is this RSI thing?

РСИ је кратица Релативна Јачина Индекс. But you ask, ‘what is the Relative Strength Index’? I am about to answer you right away.

Индекс релативне снаге (РСИ).

The Relative Strength Index is a technical analysis tool that traders use to measure price momentum as well as to show price reversal points.

It is composed of a line oscillating about the 50 level (acting as a zero line) and within the 70 and 30 levels as the upper and lower limits respectively.

Usually, when the RSI line crosses from below to above the 50 mid-level, it points towards an upward price momentum.

However, when the RSI line crosses from above to below the 50 mid-level, price momentum is downwards.

Apart from measuring price momentum, we also mentioned that the RSI is used to pinpoint price reversal points. It does so by showing overbought and oversold conditions.

An overbought condition is where the RSI line reads above 70, hinting at an exhausted market that is about to reverse downwards.

Препродата имовина у РСИ

On the flip side, an oversold condition occurs when the RSI line reads below 30, hinting at exhausted sellers which are about to be overpowered by buyers as the price reverses upwards.

РСИ у Olymp Trade

You already know how the stochastic works and I have just fed you on how the RSI works.

What else is required for you as far as this strategy is concerned?

You need to incorporate a long-term moving average such as a 200-period Exponential Moving Average.

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1 Quotex лого без позадине
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  • $ 10 минимални депозит
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Експоненцијални покретни просек (ЕМА).

Експоненцијални покретни просек је технички индикатор који израчунава и приказује просек датог опсега цена средства током одређеног броја периода.

In this case, the EMA used is applied to 200 periods.

ЕМА се разликује од осталих покретних просека јер даје већи значај најновијим подацима у његовом прорачуну, чинећи га пожељнијим покретним просеком.

ЕМА се представља у облику континуиране линије на главном графикону.

ЕМА - експоненцијални покретни просек

Израчуни су представљени у облику линије која повезује резултате прорачуна у заглађеној континуалној линији.

Када се ЕМА спушта према горе и цена се тргује изнад ње, тада је тржиште у узлазном тренду.

Међутим, када се ЕМА спушта према доле и цена се тргује испод ње, тада је тржиште у паду.


So you now understand how the three technical tools mentioned in this strategy work, right?

Now what’s left is how to formulate a strategy incorporating the three.

The primary indicator in this strategy is the 200-period EMA.

EMA 200 is used to generate trading signals which are confirmed using the RSI and the stochastic oscillators.

Step 1 – Signal from the stochastic trading strategy.

Here is what EMA bullish and bearish signals look like:

  • Bullish EMA signal – EMA 200 is sloping upwards and the price has crossed to trade изнад ЕМА-е.
  • Bearish EMA signal – EMA 200 is sloping downwards and the price has crossed to trade испод ЕМА-е.

Step 2 – Confirm signals from the stochastic trading strategy.

You must confirm your bullish or bearish signals lest you fall for fake-outs and lose significantly. But how do you confirm your signals? Here is how:

  • Bullish EMA signal confirmation – the RSI must be reading below 30 (oversold condition) and the fast stochastic line should cross over from below to above the slow stochastic line at the oversold level (20).

Stochastic-RSI-EMA Trading Strategy.

  • Bearish EMA signal confirmation – the RSI must be reading above 70 (overbought condition) and the fast stochastic line should cross over from above to below the slow stochastic line at the overbought level (80).

Корак 3 - Улазак.

Enter a buy position on the next bar’s open after a confirmed bullish EMA signal. On the contrary, enter a sell position on the next bar’s open after a confirmed bearish EMA signal.

Корак 4 - Излаз.

Hold a buy position until the stochastic oscillator dips below a reading of 50 from above. Also, hold a sell position until the stochastic oscillator rises above a reading of 50 from below.

  1. Stochastic-Price Action Trading Strategy.

This strategy involves a combination of the stochastic oscillator with price action to make trading decisions.

Already conversant with a stochastic oscillator, right? No question about this, right?

Али шта је ово цена акција we are talking about really?

Прице Ацтион.

Акција цена је у основи начин на који се цена понаша.

Ако tradeр користи акцију цена да trade, они једноставно посматрају врхове и падове цене и повинују се ономе што цена говори о себи без утицаја било ког индикатора, осцилатор или технички алат.

Ценовна акција може бити у многим облицима, попут нивоа подршке, нивоа отпора, пробијања трендова и многих других концепата.

The concepts we shall propagate in this strategy are support and resistance as far as price action in this context is concerned.

Support? Resistance? What sort of stuff are these?

Подршка и отпор.

Подршка је ниво тржишне цене који указује на снажан притисак куповине.

Наговештава вишак купаца, па се чини да се падајуће цене, готово увек, окрећу нагоре када достигну такав ниво цена или зону.

С друге стране, отпор је ниво тржишне цене који указује на јак продајни притисак.

Указује на вишак продаваца, па се чини да се пораст цена, готово увек, окреће наниже када достигну такав ниво цена или зону.

Подршка и отпор у Олимпу


You now understand the stochastic and price action, especially support and resistance, right?

How they should blend together to result in a trading strategy is what still remains vague, right?

Well, we are going to leave no stone unturned as we explain everything bit by bit.

The primary concept here is support and resistance.

The signal obtained from support or resistance will then be confirmed using the stochastic oscillator.

Корак 1 - Сигнал.

Ево како добити биковски и медвјеђи сигнал користећи подршку или отпор:

  • Биков сигнал - успоставити зону снажног притиска куповине, где се падајуће цене, готово увек, окрећу нагоре када дођу до те зоне.

То ће бити зона подршке и биковски сигнал.

Имајте на уму да подршка може имати хоризонтални или дијагонални распоред.

Схема замки за бикове у Olymp Trade


  • Медвеђи сигнал - успоставити зону снажног притиска продаје, где се чини да се растуће цене, готово увек, окрећу наниже када достигну ту зону.

То ће бити зона отпора и медвеђи сигнал. Такође имајте на уму да отпор може имати хоризонтални или дијагонални распоред.

Корак 2 - Потврда.

You need to subject your bullish or bearish signal to confirmation with the stochastic oscillator.

Ево како то учинити:

  • Потврда биковског сигнала подршке – the fast stochastic line should cross over from below to above the slow line at the oversold level (below 20).
  • Потврда сигнала медвјеђег отпора – the fast stochastic line should cross over from above to below the slow line at the overbought level (above 80).

Корак 3 - Улазак.

Унесите позицију за куповину након потврђеног биковског сигнала у зони подршке и позицију за продају након потврђеног медвеђег сигнала у зони отпора.

Stochastic-Price Action Trading Strategy.

Корак 4 - Излаз.

Hold a buy position until the stochastic oscillator dips below a reading of 50 from above. Also, hold a sell position until the stochastic oscillator rises above a reading of 50 from below.

  1. Стратегија трговања стохастичким каналима.

This strategy involves the combination of the stochastic oscillator with a drawn price channel to make trading decisions.

To this end, you must already know everything about stochastics. If anything, I only need to take you through the price channel part.

Price Channel.

A price channel is any price range, whether horizontal or diagonal, which the price seems to obey such that it trades within a confined channel.

Drawing a Модна линија connecting the highs of the price and another one connecting the lows of the same price at the same section produces a price channel.

A price channel occurs where the highs of the price at a particular section seem to form an almost parallel line to the corresponding lows of the price at that particular section of the chart.

When a trend line joins the highs as another joins the lows of the price, the result is an almost regular tunnel or channel.

A price channel sloping upwards hints at an uptrend while a trend line sloping downwards hints at a downtrend.

Стратегија трговања стохастичким каналима.


Having an understanding of the basics of channel trading and enough knowledge of the stochastic oscillator is enough to catapult you to the next phase of this discussion.

The primary concept is channel drawing because price channels are used to generate trading signals which can then be confirmed using the stochastic oscillator.

This is actually a trend continuation trading strategy. I

t takes advantage of an ongoing trend to pick perfect entries using the stochastic oscillator.

Step 1 – Get signals from this stochastic trading strategy.

Observe and spot a price section that is likely to form a uniform tunnel or channel if a trend line is drawn joining the highs and another joining the lows of that price section.

If you do, join the highs of the price with a trend line.

Do the same for the lows of the price with another trend line to obtain a price channel bound by two trend lines below and above.

Канал може бити савршено водораван или чак дијагоналан.

Here is how you derive the bullish and bearish signals:

  • Bullish signal 1 – the price channel is sloping upwards, meaning that the price is on an uptrend. The price is at the lower limit of the price channel, or the trend line joining the lows of the price.
  • Bullish signal 2 – the price channel is horizontal, meaning that the market is ranging. The price is at the lower limit of the channel which is the trend line joining the lows of the price.
  • Bearish signal 1 – the price channel is sloping downwards, meaning that the price is on a downtrend. The price is at the upper limit of the price channel, or the trend line joining the highs of the price.
  • Bearish signal 2 – the price channel is horizontal, meaning that the market is ranging. The price is at the upper limit of the channel which is the trend line joining the highs of the price.

Step 2 – Confirm signals from this stochastic trading strategy

You want to be sure that the price will not break the trend line you have just drawn.

To be sure, you must subject your signal to a test or confirmation before entry. Here is how to go about the confirmation:

  • Bullish signal confirmation – the fast stochastic line should cross over from below to above the slow line at the oversold level (below 20).
  • Bearish signal confirmation – the fast stochastic line should cross over from above to below the slow line at the overbought level (above 80).

Стратегија трговања стохастичким каналима.

Корак 3 - Улазак.

Унесите позицију за куповину након потврђеног биковског сигнала и позицију за продају након потврђеног медвјеђег сигнала.

Корак 4 - Излаз.

Hold a buy position until the stochastic oscillator dips below a reading of 50 from above. Also, hold a sell position until the stochastic oscillator rises above a reading of 50 from below.

Conclusion – Stochastic Trading Strategies to try in 2022.

The stochastic oscillator is among the basic technical trading tools in Olymp Trade.

Скоро сваки trader has used the oscillator at some point in their trading journey explaining why it is so popular.

With the above trading strategies do you still not have a reason to continue winning?

Хаппи Традинг!

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Бонус кодови
1 Quotex лого без позадине
  • Почните да тргујете са $1
  • Зарадите до 95% профита
  • Брза плаћања
  • $ 10 минимални депозит
  • 10 $ минимално повлачење

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