Топ 5 победничких стратегија за трговање Болингеровим опсегом које треба испробати у 2022

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What is Bollinger Bands Indicator?

Bollinger Band trading indicator is a common tool used in daily trading.

If you are a fan of this blog, you might as well have used it in your trading.

The indicator is based on statistical standard deviation and is actually simple to understand and use.

The Bollinger Bands indicator forms a shield around the price and helps in price action analysis.

It also has a middle moving average, from which the lower and upper shields project, given standard deviations.

Though you may already have a strategy that you use to trade the Bollinger bands, market conditions may change without notice leading to imminent losses.

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For that reason, and for direly wanting to help you grow your account, I will show you five solid strategies that you can use to trade у КСНУМКС.

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  1. The ‘Bollinger Bands Breakout with Increased Volume’ Strategy.

Ова стратегија је једноставна.

It involves trading Bollinger Band breakouts which occur with a specific threshold of volume.

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1 Quotex лого без позадине
  • Почните да тргујете са $1
  • Зарадите до 95% профита
  • Брза плаћања
  • $ 10 минимални депозит
  • 10 $ минимално повлачење


The first step of this strategy is setting up the indicators – Bollinger Bands and the Volume indicator.

The Bollinger Band trading indicator will appear as a shield above and below the price action, with a moving average at the center.

The volume indicator, on the other hand, will appear as a set of bars on a separate window below the main chart.


The second step involves looking for Bollinger Band breakouts.

Bollinger Band breakouts occur when the price protrudes outside the bandwidth of the Bollinger Band indicator.

A bullish Bollinger Band breakout is when the price protrudes upwards above the upper Bollinger Band.

On the flip side, a bearish Bollinger Band breakout occurs when the price protrudes downwards below the lower Bollinger Band.


The third step of this strategy is gauging the volume threshold with which the bullish or bearish Bollinger Band breakout occurred.

The breakout must be accompanied by a volume bar on the volume indicator which is at least 1.2 times the average volume.

That means, the breakout candlestick must be longer than average or longer than the preceding candlesticks by a significant margin.


The fourth step is entering a long or a short position.

If the bullish Bollinger Band breakout was accompanied by a significantly increased volume as specified, enter a buy or long position.

If on the other hand, the bearish Bollinger Band breakout was accompanied by a significantly increased volume as specified, enter a sell or short position.


The fifth step is the exit plan.

Hold the buy position as long as the price remains above the Bollinger Band Moving Average.

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1 Quotex лого без позадине
  • Почните да тргујете са $1
  • Зарадите до 95% профита
  • Брза плаћања
  • $ 10 минимални депозит
  • 10 $ минимално повлачење

On the other hand, hold a sell position as long as the price remains below the Bollinger Band Moving Average.

  1. The Gimmee Bar Strategy.

Gimmee Bar Strategy involves using Bollinger Bands with price action to trade распони цена.

Цене се крећу током ниске волатилности и стога ова стратегија најбоље функционише у тренуцима смањене волатилности тржишта.

Трговина Гиммие баром у Olymp Trade


The first step is setting up the indicator – Bollinger Bands.

It will appear as a shield above and below the price action, with a moving average at the center.


The second step is choosing the market to trade.

The market to trade with this strategy is one that is in low volatility and ranging.

Посматрајте цену да бисте видели која се тржишта окрећу готово сваки пут када цена погоди или горњи или доњи Боллингер опсег.

Можете размотрити могућност тражења мање нестабилних тржишта на валутним паровима чија су трговања затворена.


The third step involves establishing a trading range.

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1 Quotex лого без позадине
  • Почните да тргујете са $1
  • Зарадите до 95% профита
  • Брза плаћања
  • $ 10 минимални депозит
  • 10 $ минимално повлачење

Do so by observing price action with the Bollinger Bands indicator.

Опсег трговања се дешава када цена додирује горњи или доњи Боллингер опсег, али се окреће према централном покретном просеку, уместо да пробије ширину појаса индикатора.

Цена зато мора неколико пута означити горњи и доњи Боллингер опсег, а да не избије да би прибегла опсегу трговања.


The fourth step of this strategy is identifying the Gimmee bar.

Биковски Гиммее бар се јавља када цена, након пада да додирне доњи Боллингер Банд, формира биков свећњак.

С друге стране, медвеђи Гиммее бар се јавља када цена, након што порасте да додирне горњи Боллингер Банд, формира медвеђи свећњак.

Имајте на уму да морате избегавати Гиммее траке које се преклапају или су близу централног покретног просека Боллингер појаса, имају широк опсег или их прати јаз у трговању.


The fifth step is the actual setting up of buy or sell orders.

Set up a buy stop pending order 1 pip above the high of the valid bullish Gimmee bar.

On the contrary, set up a sell stop pending order 1 pip below the low of the valid bearish Gimmee bar.

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Бонус кодови
1 Quotex лого без позадине
  • Почните да тргујете са $1
  • Зарадите до 95% профита
  • Брза плаћања
  • $ 10 минимални депозит
  • 10 $ минимално повлачење


The sixth step is the exit plan.

For the buy order, place the Stop Loss just below the low of the bullish Gimmee bar.

For the sell order, however, place the Stop Loss just above the high of the bearish Gimmee bar.

Take your profit for the buy order at the level where the upper band is currently at and for the sell order where the lower band is currently at.

  1. The ‘Bollinger Squeeze’ Strategy – Based on Bollinger Bands Indicator.

The Bollinger Band Squeeze trading strategy capitalizes on finding low values of the Band Width indicator to identify periods of low volatility.

Once low volatility is spotted, a trader can then get ready to trade the Bollinger Band breakout which results from the consolidation.

Бендови Болингер и Olymp Trade


The first step of this strategy is setting up the indicators. These include:

  • A 20-period Bollinger Bands indicator.
  • A 20-period Band Width indicator.
  • The Donchian Channel on the window where the 20-period Band Width indicator is applied.

Where the BandWidth indicator is missing, you can use the Standard Deviation indicator.

The Bollinger Bands indicator is for spotting a breakout. The Band Width indicator is for spotting low volatility while the Donchian Channel is for highlighting the lowest Band Width indicator values.


The second step involves spotting a trading signal using the 20-period Band Width Indicator.

You must wait for the 20-period Band Width indicator to hit its lowest in the past 120 periods.

This will be highlighted by the Band Width signal line touching or reading below the lower Donchian line.


The third step of the strategy involves confirming the identified trading signal by spotting a Bollinger Band breakout.

A bullish Bollinger Band breakout occurs when a candlestick closes above the 20-period Bollinger upper band.

On the flip side, a bearish Bollinger Band breakout occurs when a candlestick closes below the 20-period Bollinger lower band.


The fourth step is the actual entry of buy or sell positions.

Enter a buy position once a bullish Bollinger Band breakout occurs, preceded by the Band Width hitting its lowest as specified.

On the other hand, enter a sell position once a bearish Bollinger Band breakout occurs, preceded by the Band Width hitting its lowest as specified in step 3.


The fifth step of the strategy covers the exit plan.

You can hold the buy position as long as the price trades above the middle Bollinger Band Moving Average.

On the contrary, you can hold the sell position as long as the price trades below the middle Bollinger Band Moving Average.

  1. Bollinger Bands with Double Top or Double Bottom.

This strategy couples Bollinger Band price ranges with the double top or double bottom chart pattern to pick high probability entries.

У овој стратегији примењују се само индикатор Боллингер Банд и цена.


The first step of this strategy is setting up the indicator.

The only indicator here is the Bollinger Bands indicator.

It appears with three bands – a middle moving average and an upper and a lower band.

The upper and lower band are equal standard deviations from the central moving average.


The second step is identifying the double bottom or double top.

Двоструко дно је биковски образац преокрета који подсећа на слово „В“.

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1 Quotex лого без позадине
  • Почните да тргујете са $1
  • Зарадите до 95% профита
  • Брза плаћања
  • $ 10 минимални депозит
  • 10 $ минимално повлачење

С друге стране, двоструки врх је медвеђи образац дијаграма преокрета који подсећа на слово „М“.

Двоструко дно ('В').

Започнимо са тим како можете идентификовати двоструко дно:

  • Прво, цена мора формирати реакцију ниску која је обично, али не увек испод доњег Боллингер опсега.
  • Second, the price must then bounce upwards towards the central moving average, then fall again, forming a new low which must hold above the lower Bollinger band.

New low prices holding above the lower Bollinger band shows less weakness on the last price drop.

  • На крају, образац потврђује снажно кретање нагоре са другог ниског нивоа и пробијање изнад нивоа отпора створено средњом тачком осовине узорака 'В'.

Двоструки врх ('М').

Формирање двоструког врха

Даље, да видимо како да идентификујемо двоструки врх:

  • Прво, цена мора да формира високу реакцију која је обично, али не увек изнад горњег појаса Боллингер-а.
  • Second, the price must then bounce downwards towards the central moving average, then rises again, forming a new high which must remain below the upper Bollinger band.

That new high remains below the lower Bollinger band showing less strength on the last price rise.

  • На крају, образац потврђује снажно померање надоле са другог врха и пробијање испод нивоа подршке створено средњом тачком осовине узорака „М“.


The third step is entering the buy or sell position.

Set up a buy stop pending order at the level of the middle pivot of the ‘W’ or double bottom pattern once the second valid swing low forms.

On the other hand, set up a sell stop pending order at the level of the middle pivot of the ‘M’ or double top pattern once the second valid swing high forms.


The fourth step is the exit plan.

Place the Stop Loss for the buy order just below the second valid swing low of the ‘W’ or double bottom pattern.

However, place the Stop Loss for the sell order just above the second valid swing high of the ‘M’ or double top pattern.

You can then hold the buy position as long as the price remains above the Bollinger middle moving average.

Hold also the sell position as long as the price remains below the middle moving average.

  1. The ‘Bollinger Band with MACD’ Strategy.

Ова стратегија користи Боллингер Банд и индикаторе конвергенције и дивергенције покретног просека (МАЦД) за одабир trade ентриес.

МАЦД се користи за успостављање тржишног тренда, док се Боллингер опсези користе као trade Окидач.

Trade at breakout - Bollinger band strategies


The first step of this strategy is setting up the indicators. Click on the indicators’ tab and choose MACD.

Подесите брзи МАЦД покретни просек на 12, полагани МАЦД покретни просек на 26 и МАЦД сигналну линију на 9, а затим примените индикатор.

Click on the indicators’’ tab again and choose Bollinger Bands.

Adjust the Bollinger Band Moving Average to 12 and the Standard deviations for the bands to 2 and then apply the indicator.


Други корак укључује успостављање консолидације цена или загушења.

Ова стратегија је стратегија пробијања и пробоји се јављају након загушења цена.

Према томе, успоставите зону загушења цена тако што ћете успорити кретање бика или медведа кретањем или формирањем неутралних образаца свећњака.


Трећи корак је идентификација трговинских сигнала.

A bullish trading signal is identified where the МАЦД moving averages are above both the MACD signal line and the zero line.

С друге стране, идентификује се медвеђи трговински сигнал, где су МАЦД покретни просеци испод линије МАЦД сигнала и нулте линије.


Четврти корак стратегије укључује постављање налога за куповину или продају.

Set up a buy stop pending order at the level where the upper Bollinger Band is currently at, once you obtain a bullish MACD signal as specified above.

On the flip side, set up a sell stop pending order at the level where the lower Bollinger Band is currently at, once you obtain a bearish MACD signal as specified.


The fifth step is the exit plan.

Place the Stop Loss for the buy order 5 pips below the buy order.

On the other hand, place the Stop Loss for the sell order 5 pips above the sell order.

You can measure the height of the price consolidation before the price formed bullish or bearish MACD signals.

That way, you can target the same amount as that height with your Take Profit. You can as well trail your Stop Loss to lock in profits as the position grows.


So among the above trading strategies based on Bollinger Bands, which one have you been trading?

Leave your comment below.

And Happy Trading!

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  • Почните да тргујете са $1
  • Зарадите до 95% профита
  • Брза плаћања
  • $ 10 минимални депозит
  • 10 $ минимално повлачење

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