How to Start a Profitable Rabbit Farming Business in Kenya.

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Rabbits are so popular for their very delicious meat, fur, urine used to manufacture fertilizers, or even their skin. It is about time the demand for rabbits shot high. Any rabbit farming business that has started always picks and is so profitable.

Given that not so many people have embraced rabbit farming, the demand is so high while the supply is always in shortage. That then translates to high prices of rabbits and their products wherever they are found.

All this is to say that though not so popular among many people, rabbit farming will be one of the most profitable businesses in Kenya in 2024. 

Hotels especially those frequented by Chinese people want rabbits for meat so badly, as well as a good number of Kenyans. Start rabbit farming today and see the truth in what I am saying.

But before you start, I thought you should first know what requirements you need to meet, how much capital to invest, where exactly your business needs to be located as well as an estimate of how profitable the venture can be, among other issues.

Best Location for Rabit Farming Business.

It doesn’t matter where you locate your rabbit farm as long as you market your rabbit farming and selling business adequately.

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Whether in rural or urban areas, invest in marketing to increase your sales.

Also, ensure you locate your business where there is enough space for rabbit cages depending on the number you would like to raise.

A rabbit cage usually takes up very little space.

Requirements for Rabbit Farming Business in Kenya.

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  1. Carry out thorough market research – gauge the availability of demand for rabbit meat vis-à-vis the supply and see whether there is a gap for you to exploit. Talk to people already in the business and take notes of important issues about the business.
  2. Breeds – different breeds of rabbits are kept for different reasons. Some for their very delicious meat others for fur, others for their urine used to make fertilizers, and others still for their skin. Choose wisely which breeds you need to focus on depending on your purpose for rearing rabbits. If you want a breed for meat, then one that has a good meat-to-bone ratio is suitable. Various breeds to choose from include:
    • Canada Giant.
    • ILRI Giant.
    • Flemish Giant.
    • California White.

Also Read: – How to Start a Honey Production Business in Kenya.

  1. Identify farms that sell rabbits for breeding – you need a supplier for the breeds of rabbits that you intend to raise. The supplier should also be an expert in rabbit breeding to advise you accordingly.
  2. Acquire the necessary rabbit agribusiness training –you need to understand certain depths of rabbit farming like how to care for your rabbits especially the newborn – when rabbits are sick and also a vast knowledge about feeding and other issues. An example of caring for newborns is that you need to keep them warm and ensure that the mother feeds them. Knowledge about the specifications of building the rabbit cage is also very important.
  3. Set up the rabbit cage – build your rabbit cage considering the expert specifications, using timber and iron sheets. If the area is hot, you need to leave much space for air circulation. If the area is cold, you need to use materials meant to keep the rabbits warm. Let the door face away from the direction of the wind and let the cage be able to protect your rabbits from the adverse effects of rainfall and wind. Note that mistakes in setting up the cage can result in the death of the rabbits hence losses. You can also fence around the farm to protect your rabbits from theft.
  4. Bring in your breeding rabbits – after your cage is ready, bring your rabbits in right away and start your rabbit farming business. Provide your rabbits with the necessary feeds and water, ensuring you check on them from time to time.
  5. Market your rabbit farming business – build meaningful relationships with hotel owners, potential rabbit buyers, and those ready to buy rabbit products as your rabbits grow. That way you will have a ready market and once they just mature, you can sell.

How much capital do you need to start a rabbit farming business?

Did you know that you can start your rabbit farming business with only two rabbits, a male, and a female?

A 1-2 months old rabbit costs Ksh.350 and if you get a male and female, that makes Ksh.700.

The cost of setting the cage may be about Ksh.4,000.

Their feed may cost you about Ksh.1,000 for a start.

In brief, you are good to go with only Ksh.5,000 – Ksh6,000.

If you want to read more, the capital will increase.

How profitable is the rabbit farming business in Kenya?

Kenya Com Rabbit Consortium buys 1 Litre of rabbit urine at Ksh. 100 for the manufacture of fertilizer. How many liters of urine will your rabbits produce a month?

A mature grown rabbit sells at Ksh.2,500 – Ksh.3,500 a kilo.

How many kilos do you intend to sell, do the math and connect your margins.

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